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ASFCheck error messages

Message Outcome
An unexpected error occurred. The error encountered in the .asf file is not recognized by ASFCheck; this file may not play correctly.
The ASF file could not be opened. Verify that the filename was typed correctly. Then check that the .asf file is not being used by another program. Finally, check the file attributes of the .asf file to ensure that it is not a read-only file.
The specified file is not a valid ASF. Verify that the file has an .asf extension. If it does, the file was not created using a valid .asf creation tool.
The ASF is affected by the payload overrun bug. This file may produce unpredictable results when played.
The ASF appears to be truncated. Not all of the information specified is available in the .asf file. This file cannot play correctly and cannot be fixed. This file must be recreated.
The ASF file has been corrupted. This file is not readable by ASFCheck and cannot be repaired. This file cannot play and must be recreated.
The preroll field in the ASF is zero. Content created with previous versions of Windows Media Services has the preroll field set to zero. For optimal performance, the preroll value must be reset. ASFCheck can fix this setting.
The preroll field in the ASF in inaccurate. Some tools set preroll values that are not correct for the ASF content. To optimize the quality of the ASF content, use ASFCheck to fix this value.
The preroll field in the ASF is set to an invalid value. Some tools set preroll values that are not correct for the ASF content. To optimize the quality of the ASF content, use ASFCheck to fix this value.
The ASF contains invalid presentation times. Presentation times control when content is rendered. If they are invalid, the file does not play correctly. This problem cannot be fixed. The .asf file must be recreated.
The ASF contains objects that play before they are sent. In this error, presentation times are not correctly synchronized. ASFCheck can correct this problem.
The ASF file contains a video stream without key frame information. The ASF contains an index, so it will be possible to partially reconstruct key frame information. Key frames are required to render content. If the .asf file is indexed, key frame information can be extrapolated from the index so that the content can be played.
The ASF file contains a video stream without key frame information. No index is included, so key frame information cannot be reconstructed. Key frames are required to render content. If the .asf file is not indexed, key frame information cannot be extrapolated from the index, so the content cannot be played.
Some of the objects in the ASF appear to be missing or out of order. Each object in an ASF has an object ID that tells the player when to render specific content. If these IDs are out of order or missing, ASFCheck can re-order the .asf file so that it plays correctly.
This ASF contains invalid object ID fields. Each object in an .asf file has an object ID that tells the player when to render specific content. If these IDs are invalid, the player cannot render the file. This problem is irreparable. The .asf file must be recreated.
A problem occurred, and the .asf file could not be repaired ASFCheck attempted to fix a problem, and it could not complete the process. This is often caused by the file being designated as read-only. Ensure that all .asf files being checked are not read-only before using ASFCheck.
The system cannot find the file. Verify that the path and the filename supplied to ASFCheck have no spelling errors.
No matching files were found. Wildcard values of * and ? are supported by ASFCheck. When these are used in the filename parameter, ASFCheck will look in the directory specified for filename that match the specifications. This message appears when no filenames match the specified parameters.
Invalid path. The specified path is incorrect or does not exist. Check the path you specified for typing errors. Also make sure you have access to the drive specified if the .asf files are not on the local computer.
Invalid directory. The specified directory is incorrect or does not exist.
The file could not be opened because some other process is using it The file is locked by another application. Make sure no .asf files are in use before running ASFCheck.
The error correction data is invalid. The error correction data in the .asf file is incorrect. This problem can be repaired by ASFCheck..
Extra non-index data was detected at the end of the file. The .asf file contained some corrupt data at the end of the file.
All of the streams that were supposed to be in the file could not be found. One or more of the streams indicated in the ASF header are missing. This file may not play as expected and cannot be repaired. If the quality of the playback is unacceptable, recreate the .asf file..
A stream ID could not be read. The stream ID of a payload in either the video or audio stream could not be read. This file is corrupted and irreparable. You must recreate the .asf file.
A stream ID is invalid. The stream ID for a payload in either the audio or video stream does not have a corresponding stream properties object in the ASF file header. This is an irreparable problem. You must recreate the .asf file.
This is a stripped ASF file. This is for informational purposes only.
The indexes do not point to the appropriate key frame. The indexes for the video stream must point to the most recent key frame. This problem is repairable. You must recreate the .asf file.
The ASFChop OCX has not been registered. ASFCheck uses ASFChop.ocx to correct indexes in .asf files. ASFChop must be installed on the computer that is running ASFCheck.
A bad version of the ASFChop OCX has been registered on this system. ASFCheck uses ASFChop.ocx to correct indexes in .asf files. ASFChop must be installed on the computer that is running ASFCheck. If you receive this error, remove and reinstall Windows Media Tools .
This is an invalid ASF file because it contains a header that is greater than 64 kilobytes in size. The size of the ASF header including scripts and markers must be less that 64 kilobytes (KB). This is an irreparable problem. You must recreate the .asf file.

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